Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Death Cure: 2/19/15

Pages: 1-148
Prompt: Describe the setting

     So far in the book the characters have been trapped and escaped. They were trapped in WICKED's headquarters. They fight their way out and escape on a plane. They fly to a city and hide from WICKED. Thefind someone they knew and are protected. The setting was very important to the plot because it created many of the problems of the book.

     At the beginning the setting is inside the headquarters of WICKED. This was a labratory where the scientists did their experiments. There were many different rooms where the scientists could do their experiments. There is also a hanger where all the planes that the scientists use are kept. Finally there is a cell where prisoners are kept. All of these areas are very important to the plot.

     Later in the book the characters go to Denver. There is a wall around the city to keep out unwanted people. Many people know that they escaped from WICKED and are trying to catch them. Many people in the city are also very sick and there are guards that are testing and capturing them. These infected people cause a problem because they do not like the main characters.


  1. You picked out more than one setting and I like how at the end you transitioned to explain why the setting is important to the plot. Goodjob!

  2. I've always wanted to read this book, how are you liking it? I like how you noticed that the setting caused more problems to the characters, not many people do. I'm glad you explained what WICKED was because I was slightly confused a bit during the first paragraph. Overall, great blog.

  3. Steven,
    I really enjoyed your blog this week. It was short and to the point, and you were still able to describe the setting well. I also liked the fact that you related the setting to the plot, saying that it led to many problems throughout the novel. Overall, this was a great blog!
