Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The President Has Been Shot: 7/28/14

Pages: 78-end
Prompt: Summarize what you read

     The second half of the book talks about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It tells how Lee Oswald set up for the assassination. Oswald disassembled his weapon and put it in a brown paper bag. He chose a window on he sixth floor all the way to the left because of the view of the road where Kennedy would be driving. Oswald then set up during his lunch break.

     Then the author writes about the assassination. Oswald fired three shots but only the second and third hit Kennedy. This was all caught on film by Abraham Zapruder. The president was then rushed to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. Oswald attempted to escape, shot a police officer an fled to a movie theater. At 1:50 he was arrested in the movie theater.

     After Kennedy was pronounced dead Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as president. He wanted to have his wife and Jackie Kennedy by his side as he did it to show that the nation would continue. Oswald was shot and died without confessing to shooting the president. Johnson made a committee to investigate the murder. They found fingerprints on the weapons and markings on the bullets fired that proved that Oswald murdered Kennedy and a police officer.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The President has Been Shot: 7/11/14

Pages: 1-77
Prompt: Summarize what you just read.

     This book is about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The first part of the book tells about Kennedy's life. It tells that he was the youngest person ever elected president of the United States. It also tells about his experiences in WWII. He commanded a PT boat, which was a small boat designed to come close to large enemy boats and fire torpedoes at them. On August 2, 1943 he narrowly escaped death.

     He was in his boat at 2:30 in the morning when an enemy boat chopped his boat in half. Two of his twelve crewmen were killed and others including Kennedy were wounded. They swam to a deserted island and tried to signal passing boats. They swam to a near by island and found friendly natives. They wrote a message on a coconut shell and the natives carried it to the rest of the military. Kennedy kept the coconut shell as a souvenir of the wartime experiences.

     After the war Kennedy ran for the House of Representatives. He was reelected two times then was elected to senate. He then ran for president. He was younger then the other democrats running but he was nominated for the democrats over them. He started out behind Nixon but caught up through television debates. He won the election by 119,450 votes out of 68.3 million votes. Then you learn about the things Kennedy did while he was president.