Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Maze Runner: 1/28/14

Pages: 233-end
Prompt: Describe the setting.

     The main setting of the book is in a large maze. The people who come up into the maze come into an area called the glade. This is a huge area with trees and plants where the gladers are safe. They have food provided and  are safe from the Greivers, large creatures who can kill the gladers. The Grievers roam inside the maze at night but cannot go into the glade because of doors that close at night. There is a forest in the glade where the gladers can get wood and other supplies. There is also a large grassy area where the gladers, the people who live in the glade, mostly live and build their structures.

     In the forest there is a graveyard for the gladers that have died. There is also an area where the gladers get fertilizer for their crops. In the grassy area there are many structures there are the glader's houses and buildings. There is also the map room where all the maps of the maze are kept. This is also where the running shoes and weapons are kept. Also in the glade there is "the box". This is a metal elevator where new gladers come into the maze and suppies are delivered.

     There are four enterences to the maze, one on each of the walls around the glade. Inside the maze there are eight sectors that are all separate. There is also the cliff, where the Grievers come in and out of the maze. Every night the maze changes and moves making it very hard to solve. The moving maze was important because it helped stop the maze. When all of the movements are mapped it spells out a word in each sector. When this was typed in to a keypad in the Greiver hole it shut down the maze.

I commented on GabeDiego, and Carlos.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Maze Runner: 1/21/15

Prompt: Describe the main characters.
Pages: 1-233

     In this book the characters are trapped inside a large maze and all of their memory is gone. They are given new people and supplies by the people who trapped them. The main character is Thomas. Thomas is the second to last person who is sent into the maze. The last person is a girl that knows him from their past life. When Thomas first learns about the jobs he has a deep desire to be a runner. A runner is a person who goes into the maze and explores it. Thomas is very brave. When the leader of the group is about to be trapped in the maze overnight Thomas goes into the maze to help him even though he knows that nobody has ever survived a night in the maze. He survives and helps the two people with him survive.

     Thomas is also very dissatisfied with being treated as someone who is weak. He is treated as needy because he is the newest person in the maze except for the girl who is unconscious. He is called a "greenie" which means that he is new and inexperianced. He is extremely dissatisfied with this name and trys to prove that he can be productive and equal. This shows that he is determined because he is not satisfied with being thought of as needy and trys very hard to get rid of this title.

     Another one of the main characters in this book is Minho. He is the leader of the runners. He is very experianced and can navigate the maze by memory. He teaches Thomas about how to survive and navigate the maze and is with Thomas when he survives the night in the maze. Another one of the main characters is Alby. He is the leader of the whole group. He is very strict and punishes people when they do things wrong. He is rescued by Thomas and Minho when he is stuck in the maze at night.

Friday, January 16, 2015

TKAM Book vs. Movie

What do you think is the most important difference between the written and filmed version? Provide evidence with specific details.

     I think there were three important differences between the book and the movie. The first difference it that the children are not as facinated with Boo. They do not attempt to cantact him as many times. The only time they try to see him is when they sneek into his backyard. This makes them not seeing Boo much less suspensful. It is also less meaningful when they see Boo at the end. I think that the book's version was better because of the suspense and meaning of Boo coming out at the end. This was one of the major differences between the book and the movie.

     Another difference between the book and the movie is the focus on the theme of courage. In the book Atticus says the same saying three times. In the movie he does not say it at all or only says it once. There is also not the same amount of focus on courage not being fighting. This was a very important theme in the book. It changes the whole tone of the movie. I think the book's version was better because it made the story more meaningful.

     What I think was the most important difference was was the amount of time the stories took place over. In the book the story takes place over three years. In the movie it seems like it only takes place over about 6 months. In the book a major theme was growing up and coming of age. This was barely talked about in the movie. The theme of growing up was almost completely eliminated. The only time it was even mentioned was when Jem said once to Scout that she couldn't come with him and Dill but she did anyway. This changed the entire atmosphere of the movie. I think the book's version was much better.

Comments: Diego, Carlos, and Gustavo