Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reflective Blog

     I have progressed a lot since I began writing blogs. When I began writing blogs I wrote short, unspecific paragraphs. I would only write about very nonspecific topics. This resulted in my blogs being very short and not very interesting. They almost resembled the summaries on the back cover of books. I think I wrote like this because I did not know how to write a good summary. Whenever I did a prompt other than a summary I wrote two paragraphs of summary and one based on my prompt. I think I did this because I thought I could not write more than one paragraph on a subject other than a summary.

     This is very different from my current blogs. As time went on my blogs got longer and more in detail. I think this is because I learned more about writing and learned that other people's blogs with more detail were better and more interesting. This helped me start putting more detail in my blogs and making them more interesting. Now I use better writing form. When I write an use a topic sentence and supporting details to prove it. I have greatly improved my blogging.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really good how you show the cause and effect and relating it to something else so the reader can understand what your writing used to be like. Great blog.
