Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Time Travel Interveiw

Format: Interview
Q: Where would you go? 
A: I would go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Q:To which year or period would you travel? 
A: I would go to November 19, 1863.
Q: Who would you want to meet or what event would you want to witness? 
A: I would want to witness Abraham Lincoln give the Gettysburg Address and meet him.
Q: Where would you find this person or see this event? 
A: I would see this event in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Q: Why would you want to meet this person or witness this event? 
A: I want to do this because Abraham Lincoln is an important figure and this is one of his famous speeches,
Q: How might YOU change history?
I wouldn't because I could create a butterfly effect that could have bad effects.

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