Friday, October 17, 2014

Quarter 1 Reflective Blog

Where are you in your 40 Book Challenge? How have your blogs been progressing since August? What strategies have benefited you? What have you learned about the world? How have your research skills improved?

Make sure to include a topic sentence and supporting details that fully support your main idea.

     My blogs have progressed a lot since the beginning of first quarter. At the beginning I had trouble writing about some prompts. It took me a long time to think about what to write and it was still not very good. Later in the quarter I got better at this. A strategy that I used to write my blogs that worked best was writing a topic sentence that I remembered a important point from the book. I than came up with supporting, specific, details from the book. This helped me write better, more organized, blogs.

     I have learned a lot about the world. In this class I learned about Malala getting the Nobel Prize. We researched why she received the prize and her achievements. I also learned about Ebola. We learned about how it started and what it is and we have talked about current Ebola news. Finally I have learned that traditions are hard to change in the world. The Lottery introduced this and we had to write two paragraphs about the traditions in the story. The story of Malala reinforced this by showing that women's rights were hard to change because they were tradition.

      My research skills have greatly improved. I did not know how to make a bibliography before this year. I learned how to correctly format and collect information.

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