Thursday, October 16, 2014

The River: 10/12/14

Pages: 1-end

     This book is a sequel to Hatchet, where Brian has to survive in the wilderness when his plane crashes. In this book the government asks Brian to go back to the wilderness and do it again. This time he will have Derek from the government coming with him to record what he does. He will teach what they learn to help people from the military who may be in a survival situation. When they arrive at the lake Brian decides to leave all the survival equipment on the plane to make the situation more realistic. During a lightning storm Derek and Brian are struck by lightning. It destroyed their radio and put Derek in a coma. On the map Brian has he can see a trading post that he can get to by going down a river. He builds a wooden raft and goes down the river for help.

     Brian's character is developed by talking about his decision to return to the woods. This shows that he wants to help people and will even risk his own life to do it. He says, "I learned something there. About how to live-I mean how to live. And if it could help others, I have to do it." The author also develops his character by telling how he reacts to arriving back in the woods. He writes, "Then, instantly—in just that part of a second—he changed. Completely." This shows how accustomed Brian has become to the forest. This develops his character by showing a unique trait about him.

     Derek, who is surviving with Brian, is developed by how he copes with the wilderness. The author writes that when it started raining really hard "Derek had time for one quick joke." This shows that Derek makes jokes when he is in a bad situation. Brian's mom is developed by telling her reaction when Derek suggests that Brian goes back to the forest. When Derek suggests it she says, "I think it's insane." She does not want Brian to go back because she does not want him to get hurt. She also says, "We were told by experts Brian couldn't possibly be alive. And now you're asking me—his mother—to send him back out there?"

1 comment:

  1. I have heard of the first book Hatchet but I never knew there was a sequel. Is the government trying to test Brian's skills? I like how you included quotes to back up your interpretation. The other thing I like about your blog is that you include the character's feelings while saying the quote. I noticed how your character is developed by speaking while mine develops by thinking. Great Blog Post.
