Thursday, October 23, 2014

Brian's Winter: 10/22/14

Prompt: Summary
Pages: 0-end

     In this book Gary Paulsen tells what might of happened if Brian was trapped in the forest through the winter. He introduces this by telling about how readers had asked what would have happened if Brian had been stuck in the winter. He then tells how the winter started from a narrator's point of view that knows Brian's thoughts. He says that Brian began to feel cold winds and feel better by a fire or in his sleeping bag but did not notice these signs. He finally realized that winter was coming when it was cold one night and his sleeping bag was a relief.

     Brian realized that he needed to prepare for the coming winter. He had no warm clothing and his shelter was not warm. He found a deer that had been killed but not fully eaten by wolves and dragged the remaining meat. First he made a bigger bow because he had been attacked by a bear and barely been saved by a skunk. Then he made his shelter watertight and warm by packing the wooden wall with mud and making a door. He also used rabbit skins to make a warm vest. He found a deer that had been killed but not fully eaten by wolves.

     He began practicing with his bigger bow and realized he could hunt larger animals with it. He killed a moose but was almost badly hurt. It took him all day and most of the night to drag the meat back to his camp. He then thought he heard gunshots but when he went to see where they came from he saw a tree explode. He then made snowshoes to move around easier in the snow. He killed a deer and decided to go explore the area around his camp. He put food in a skin pack and took a lighter and his hatchet. While he was on one of these hikes he saw tracks that looked like human footprints. He followed these to a hut and was rescued.

1 comment:

  1. Great summary! Let's branch out and focus on other areas of writing, besides summaries.
