Pages: 148-262
Prompt: SummarizeWhen I left off Thomas had just gotten trouble with some kind of police man. The police man intended to sell him because he was immune to the flare. As the man loaded Thomas into his car a hovering police machine came by him and killed the police officer. It was the person from WICKED that had talked to Thomas' group during the trials. He tried to convince Thomas to came back to WICKED and help make a cure. He also told Thomas that Newt was very sick with the Flare and was starting to go crazy.
When he left Thomas found his friends and they started back to where they were staying. On the way back to their room they noticed that there were almost no people on the streets. It was night time so they could not see well. They noticed some shadows moving around them. They seemed to be trying to sneak up on them. The next morning when they went outside they noticed that there were almost no people on the streets. They decided to leave the city to escape and to try to find Newt.
After they left the city they found Newt. He had given Thomas a letter but he had not read it. He was very angry at Thomas and the group and told them to leave. After they left Thomas read the letter. Newt had wanted Thomas to kill him before he went crazy. Then Thomas went to a group called the Right Arm. This was a group that fought WICKED. They were planning to invade WICKED's headquarters. They needed Thomas to pland a device that would render WICKED's weapons useless. Thomas pretended to want to help make the cure to get into WICKED. On the way to WICKED's headquarters Thomas saw Newt. Newt begged for Thomas to kill him and Thomas shot him in the head. When Thomas got to WICKED's headquarters and planted the device WICKED told him that they needed his brain for a cure.