Monday, February 23, 2015

AoW Impressions for 2/20/15

      This week most of the articles people chose were about ISIS. Almost all of these blogs were focused on the events that have happened involving Egypt. ISIS captured 21 Egyptians and killed them. Egypt responded by bombing some of ISIS's strategic positions such as training camps and ammunition dumps. These articles talked about whether or not this was the right thing and what will happen in the future. Some even suggested that Europe is in great danger because of ISIS.

     Most of the articles that did not talk about ISIS talked about Russia and Ukraine. My article was about the danger that Russia posed to Europe. One specific event it focused on was when, recently, Russian bombers flew down the English Channel. RAF jets were scrambled to escort the bombers away. The article also talks about how Russia is looking to capture large areas of countries in Europe. The article said that the best way to deal with this problem is quick action against Russia.

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