Thursday, December 11, 2014

To Kill A Mockingbird: Found Poetry

Atticus said,
Real courage is,
Not a man with a gun in his hand,
Given him an unfair advantage,
Real courage is,
Licked before you begin,
Begin anyway,
No matter what,
Real courage is,
All men are created equal,
no matter who he is,
Real courage is,
keep your head up,
fists down,
We were still struggling,


  1. I really enjoyed your poem because you included key details that represent the character Atticus. I choose the same character and it seems we used the same phrase which was "not a man with a gun in his hand". Although they are not explicit in the book I still feel that Atticus is secretly struggling in life because of Bob Ewell. Great Poem Post.

  2. I really liked your poem! It read very smoothly and really showed Atticus's views on courage and such. :)

  3. Whose point of view is this from? Where is your interpretation?
